Cohere Possible Experences

It is important to understand the Cohere™ Meditation Mat before experiencing it, so please read this section.

There are a wide range of experiences that you may have on the Cohere™ Mat. The Cohere™ Mat was brought forth to create an environment that allows one the opportunity to release both physical and emotional baggage.

It is quite common to experience tingling and flows of energy throughout the body.

Some people experience involuntary shaking as tremors throughout the body as they release trapped emotions. This practice of release is often referred to as TRE (Tremor Release Exercise) and is even taught by various practitioners throughout the world. TRE is something that can be naturally turned on by the individual in this environment, leading to involuntary trembling muscle contractions. Although this can feel very unusual, it is a very powerful release mechanism that can occur within the individual as they begin to jettison deeply-trapped emotions, most often without having to re-experience the emotion itself.

Other people report experiencing discomfort in their bodies where they may have sustained past injuries or traumas. What is occurring in this scenario is that our higher selves (higher levels of awareness) are working to release the emotions that became trapped in our bodies or energy fields as a result of these past injuries. This is a powerful and important process.

Within each one of us, we have innate self-healing capabilities, intuitive capabilities, and perceptive capabilities, which, in fact, we can turn on, reestablish, and exercise within ourselves.  These reestablishments are made when we immerse ourselves in a more coherent environment than our own human biofields.

Another experience one might have is receiving visions or messages. Sometimes these messages can be quite profound and moving.

Sometimes you may experience extreme emotions. You may get very angry. This accumulated anger has bubbled up to the surface so that it can be experienced and released. Allow this process to happen. Be kind to yourself as this release occurs.

Others may experience sadness, sometimes to the extreme. Tears may flow from your eyes as this deep sadness is released. This can be such a freeing experience. Embrace it and allow it to happen.

Occasionally, people may feel extreme heat or extreme cold in their bodies. Heat is the body’s natural way of getting rid of what does not belong, while coldness generally indicates the release of deep sadness. These temperature variations experienced while on the mat are fairly common.

There are times where you will be filled with a great sense of gratitude and joy while on the mat. You may be tingling with energy. Your body may even have goosebumps, or “truth bumps” as we like to call them. This is a wonderful and joyful state to be in - enjoy!

Whatever your experience is, embrace it, accept it, and be grateful for it! Release happens in so many different forms, all of them serving beneficial purposes.

We have all spent a lot of time throughout our lives accumulating mental, physical and emotional baggage, and releasing it can be its own process. Enjoy your experience and never doubt your potential or your ability to transform your life in whatever way you are seeking!

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