Distance Healing Sessions

E N E R G Y has no boundaries.

Energy can travel across time, space, and dimension ... with focused intention and energy awareness, healing can be sent to anyone at any time.

(Not Massage)  Similar to the in-person sessions except you are not in my presence. You can be at your own home. Several healing modalities are incorporated and include but are not limited to the following modalities listed: Integrated Energy Therapy® (IET®), Arcturian Healing Techniques, Lemurian Distance Healing, Polarity Therapy, Quantum Reiki, Usui Reiki, and Spiritual Clearings Sessions are generally 75 Minutes, Healing + Talk time. Can be done over the phone, Facetime, Skype (no account needed), or the session can be tagged for a certain time and day of your choice.

The best way for anyone to prepare for a distance session is to set aside at least 75 minutes, make sure that you are in a quiet room somewhere, you can be calm, you can sit, you can lay, it doesn’t really matter whatever is most comfortable to you. We'll chat before the session and then after the session. I give you any findings. Whether you have something to share with me or I have something to share with you, this is the time we debrief. I'll send you the "what to expect after the session" info.

Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
© Copyright 2025 A.D. SHANNON, LMT, MDT. All rights reserved.