Tuning Forks

I use a 136.1 hz, a Mid Ohm Tuning Fork on the body. I may us on the back of neck and shoulders to ease tension and on jaw muscles to relieve clenching and soothe headache pain. Vibration travels deeply in the body, making this a beneficial tool to relieve symptoms of carpel tunnel and tennis elbow, among other inflammatory conditions.
The vibration of Ohm is calming, grounding & energizing. It can enhance breathing, relieve body tension, access Qi and the body’s energetic pathways. The pure sound wave works like kinetic energy to move disharmony and tension from the body, while restoring a sense of well-being.

The 256 Hz tuning fork is ideal for clearing out the crown chakra.

C & G Tuning Forks - The most powerful tuning fork combination, the C and G tuners create a "perfect fifth" and open the gateway for healing and higher consciousness. Listening to these two different tones, your body makes one tone, bringing your whole nervous system to balance and integrating your mind and body. Within 30 seconds (the same amount of time it takes to stretch a muscle), you can achieve a state of unification and deep relaxation, which might take you 45 minutes to reach through meditation Benefits: Instantaneous deep relaxation A state of unification Altered state of consciousness Re-proportions your body The Body Tuners consist of two tuning forks, the C and the G, they create a ratio of 3/2. Body Tuners are a special interval known in music as a perfect fifth. Lao Tzu referred to this interval as the sound of universal harmony between the forces of Yin and Yang. In India, the fifth is believed to create a sound through which Shiva calls Shakti to the dance of life. Apollo, the Greek Sun God of Music and Healing plucked the fifth on his Sacred lyre to call dolphin messengers to Delphi. These are some of the reasons it has been called "perfect". I use these off the body.





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